Jessika Jake, PMP, CSM
WELCOA Faculty, Master Coach, Certified Brain Health Coach
B.S. BioChem, MS Instructional Technology

Certified Brain Health Coach (Amen University)
Certified Master Coach (Transformation Academy)
WELCOA Faculty
(Wellness Council of America)
B.S. Biochemistry
M.S. Instructional Technology

Escaping Ever-Stressed Mode
L-A-U-G-H Remix
The consequences of stress to the individual and organization are catastrophic. In this workshop, I help your employees craft an actual "Escape Plan" from stress!
1 hour
Option for online access for all participants

Coaching for Growth & Performance
Gallup found that whereas employees used to expect to work for a boss, these days they' are looking for a coach. Your employees want professional and personal development, immediately and in the future.
Moreover, when employees see how their goals are linked to the company's goals they are 3.5x more likely to be engaged.
Learn how to grow and coach your team by "setting and getting" value-aligned goals! This program is geared at training your coaching crew! With peer-based coaching you can "grow" the team from within while deepening relationships.
1 hour
Option for online access for all participants

Me on Purpose!
Gallup research finds that employees want to work for a purpose, not just a paycheck. They work not just because it's their job, but because their career is an integral part of their life.
Help your employees connect with your sense of purpose and reap the health benefits of living a purpose-driven, fulfilled life! This is a hands-on engaging and enlightening workshop.
2 hours
Option for online access for all participants

Victorious Me!
Self-Definition, Vision, & Triumph!
In the workplace, a defensive mindset, defeatist mindset or victim mindset becomes the rotten apple the spoils the whole batch.
In this witty presentation I make the case that setting a strategic mindset is not enough -- all of our tactics need to be aligned with that vision!
1 hour
Option for online access for all participants

What does your next "better" look like?

Holistic View of Wellness
There are different ways to slice up the wellness pie. These days I like looking at 8 slices (the model used by the NIH) because it gives us the most talking points, rather than lumping these together. (Just like helicopters have the ability to get a great holistic view from on high, but also can land on clear and specific targets, we will look at the whole AND the parts.) These dimensions connect with and energize each other, both within an individual and AMONG individuals.
Agile + Aligned Approach
Instead of focusing on a marathon, I like to look at sprints. In the software world they use an Agile approach to launch, learn quick, and iterate. So why don't we do the same as we launch "Me 2.0" and beyond? As for the "aligned" part of this approach, before acting, we want to be sure our actions are aligned -- be that with our core values & purpose, or aligned with our present mini-goals or overarching goals. When considering "work life" all parties should be committed to a growth-oriented relationship. That is to say, the org supports its employees in becoming the next best versions of themselves, and the employees support the org in becoming its next best self via continual improvement.

Evidence-Based, Lifestyle-focused Wellness Experiences for High Performers
* Coaching * Workshops * Events
Get In Touch
Why not say hi? I would love to see how we can work together -- from exploring workshop options to activate and engage your team, to event speaking engagements -- I will get back to you asap.